Snickers Candy Bouquet
Send this wonderful candy bouquet instead of flowers to the Snickers Lover in your life.
Snickers Candy Bouquet


Send a wonderful candy bouquet instead of flowers to the Snickers Lover in your life.

Snickers lovers are sure to enjoy picking the blooms off this bouquet. Send our Snickers Bouquet to a chocolate lover to keep on their desk so they can nibble on Snickers blooms as they work. Your favorite college student is sure to love snacking on our edible Snickers stems during finals.

This chocolate candy bouquet features all Snickers candy bars, with their amazingly delicious layers of peanut nougat, roasted peanuts and caramel, surrounded in milk chocolate. This is a fun gift for birthdays or to say thank you. This bouquet makes an awesome office gift for your Boss or coworker. Available in 2 sizes. The large size is pictured in the photo.

Candy Gift Bouquet Contents:

    Medium Snickers Bouquet
  • 7 Large Snickers create the bouquet base.
  • 12 Fun Size Snickers fill the vase.
  • Each Snickers Bouquet is decorated with a beautiful full bow.
  • The Snickers Bouquet is wrapped in a cellophane bag.

  • Large Snickers Bouquet (pictured)
  • 11 Large Snickers make the base.
  • 23 Fun Size Snickers fill the vase
  • Each Snickers Bouquet is decorated with a beautiful full bow.
  • The Snickers Bouquet is wrapped in a cellophane bag.
During the summer months this gift must ship 1 to 2 day expedited shipping (May 15 - October 15). Shipping during hot summer months is at your own risk in regards to melting.
Our Price: $48.99

Earliest Date: Discontinued

Item #:

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Select Candy Bouquet Size

Add Plush Toy

Select A Plush Toy:
Teddy Bear - Small [Add $12.00]

8 inch Sebastian Bear - Silky brown plush bear with bow tied around the neck. 8 inch H measured from tip of ear to tip of toe.

Teddy Bear - Large [Add $15.00]

12 inch Sebastian Bear - Silky brown plush bear with bow tied around the neck. 12 inch H measured from tip of ear to tip of toe.

Summer Melting Alert!
Next Day or Second Day Air is strongly recommended for gifts with chocolate.
No Melting Guarantees - Order at your own risk.
Cold Kit Option

Add A Cold Kit:
Cold Kit [Add $10.00]
Cold kit highly recommended from May to Sept.
Hand Written Gift Message

[Add $6.95]
Please Be Brief, Include To and From
This is a paid hand written message on a gift card.
Or add FREE gift message to packing slip at checkout.
Please avoid use of multiple dashes.

Choose Shipping Time Frame

More Details

Candy and Chocolate Gifts Melting Warning

There are restrictions for shipping during warmer months. Beginning May 15th all chocolate gifts that may melt should only shipped via Next Day Air. If you order on Friday, you must select Saturday Delivery or the gift should be held and shipped on Monday to avoid having your gift possibly sit in a shipper's warehouse without air conditioning throughout the weekend. If you choose to order a gift that is susceptible to melting during the hot summer months using other than Next Day Air you will be doing so at your own risk and can not provide a no melting guarantee. No damage claims will be paid for packages left outside at residences for delivery by shippers. Shippers guarantees do not cover melting claims.

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