Sending Gifts to Multiple Delivery Addresses
You will need to place each order separately for simplicity. Just follow these directions for using our easy system to save your billing details and place multiple orders effortlessly.
- Add items to your shopping cart for the first recipient
- Click View Cart
- Click on the New Customer Proceed to Checkout button at the bottom of the shopping cart
- Add billing details
- Complete the shipping details for the first person to which you want to ship the contents of the cart
- Be sure to add a password so that your billing information will be saved
- Select shipping method if you have not already made the selection on the product page
- Add your credit card information
- Check the option to keep my payment method on file for easy checkout on future orders
- Click Place My Order button at the bottom of the page
- After your order is submitted you will see a Thank You Page with your Order # and an email confirmation of the transaction will also be sent to you
- Return to the product you would like to send to the next recipient and add it to the cart
- When you are ready to checkout this time, return to the shopping cart
- Select the Returning Customer Login & Checkout
- If you have just finished placing a previous order your email and password will already be completed
- Your billing information should be displayed
- Add the shipping information for this recipient
- You should be able to select your saved credit card information
- Click Place My Order and repeat the process for the next order
Large Order Form If you have a large order going to different delivery addresses you can email your own spreadsheet or use our hand order form. Detailed Instructions are included in the download file. Just right click on this Large Order Form link and save the form to your desktop. It can be opened with MS Excel, Google Docs, or Open Office Calc.